This page features brief excerpts of stories published by the mainstream
media and, less frequently, blogs, alternative media, and even obviously
biased sources. The excerpts are taken directly from the websites cited in
each source note. Quotation marks are not used.
Source: BBC
The owners of one the most infamous buildings in Paris have been ordered to put back a commemorative plaque recalling the role of the "French Gestapo" in World War Two.
Source: NYT
ISIS is indeed involved in the illicit antiquities trade, but in a way that is more complex and insidious than we expected.
Source: NYT
The victims of the direct medical killings by the Nazis were given their own memorial in the heart of Berlin.
Source: NYT
More than 50 years after its publication, Hannah Arendt’s “Eichmann in Jerusalem” remains enduringly controversial."
Source: Federation of American Scientists
Wherever there are national security secrets, it seems that leaks and spies are not far behind.
Source: Huffington Post
It looks like a game of tic tac toe, but engravings found deep inside a cave in Gibraltar might be a Neanderthal masterpiece.
Source: NYT
The market has a tendency to rally no matter which party wins a midterm election.
Source: NYT
by Julia Baird
For more than a century, biographers have tried to fathom the improbable friendship Queen Victoria had with her Scottish servant John Brown.
Source: Responding to Climate Change website
The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum lasted 200,000 years and temperatures soared by at least 5° and perhaps 9°C.
Source: OUP blog
by Julian Richards
In March a blockbuster exhibition opened in the new BP Gallery at the British Museum and tens of thousands have flocked to see the largest collection of Viking treasure ever to be displayed in the British Isles.
Source: Science Daily
In the course of ongoing excavations at Timna Valley, archaeologists analyzed remnants of food eaten by copper smelters 3,000 years ago. This analysis indicates that the laborers operating the furnaces were in fact skilled craftsmen who enjoyed high social status and adulation.
Source: AP
Howard G. Buffett told The Associated Press that his foundation plans to give the items, which include Parks' Presidential Medal of Freedom, to an institute or museum he hasn't yet selected.
Source: The Washington Post
On Aug. 24, 1814, the British started a fire — and ultimately kindled a capital’s future.
Source: Radio Diaries
A box of recordings was found in a basement that contained the recollections of people who witnessed or took part in the events of that day.
Source: The Atlantic
A new project from Yale invites viewers to explore some 175,000 images of America in the 1930s and '40s.
Source: The Guardian
Social media users likened the baby’s pyjama top, featuring horizontal stripes and a ‘Sheriff’ star to clothes worn by Jewish concentration camp prisoners.
Source: Forbes
The strategy had been driven by a simple hypothesis, proven by history: Wars were won by inflicting damage on an enemy until they surrendered.
Source: Buzzfeed
A future “constitutional conservative” member of Congress
Source: Slate
Zakaria, who admitted in 2012 to copying a New Yorker paragraph in a piece for Time, said he did not believe the cited material constituted plagiarism.
Source: NYT
He went off to fight, telling a cousin that “I may never return” but “I will gain a name in this war.”