This page features brief excerpts of stories published by the mainstream
media and, less frequently, blogs, alternative media, and even obviously
biased sources. The excerpts are taken directly from the websites cited in
each source note. Quotation marks are not used.
Source: NYT
Eager to bolster patriotism at a time of growing tensions with neighboring countries, China will celebrate a new holiday for the first time on Tuesday to memorialize people who died in battle against foreign powers.
Source: NYT
Most observers call for a no-holds-barred hunt for the Holocaust perpetrators who have evaded justice for decades, but others point to their old age, legal issues and difficulty in proving the crimes, arguing that after nearly 80 years, the pursuit should come to a conclusion.
Source: Global Post/Salon
Could this be a map of world trouble spots?
Source: AP
"He lacks any credibility in denying responsibility for the atrocities committed on a massive scale while he was in charge."
Source: BBC
A hoard of 22,000 Roman coins has been unearthed near Seaton in east Devon.
Source: NYT
“It is only in the world of objects that we have time and space.” -- T. S. Eliot
Source: The Kansas City Star
As its 75th anniversary approaches, even the film’s distributor acknowledges the Civil War epic’s portrayal of slavery is dated and inaccurate.
Source: Smithsonian
9-28-14 (accessed)
Maps attributed to the 13th-century traveler sketch what looks like the coast of Alaska.
Source: The Independent
Seven decades after Margot Wölk was forced into life at Hitler’s bunker, she has told her full story.
Source: BBC
One self-taught photographer used his camera to challenge racial barriers and capture the diversity of the American South.
Source: Guardian
From the African Choir posing like Vogue models to an Abyssinian prince adopted by an explorer, a new exhibition spotlights the first black people ever photographed in Britain.
Source: The Times-Picayune
Originally called the National D-Day museum until its name change in 2003, the National World War II Museum is dedicated to preserving the history of the Second World War through oral history, films, special exhibits and displays of equipment and artifacts.
Source: Politifact
Some conservatives and members of the military are upset that President Barack Obama saluted to Marines on Tuesday while holding a cup. Others are coming to Obama’s defense.
Source: Time
A new PSA shows the lengths that women have gone to in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy
Source: Pew Research Center
Nearly three-quarters of the public (72%) now thinks religion is losing influence in American life, up 5 percentage points from 2010 to the highest level in Pew Research polling over the past decade.
Source: The Art Newspaper
As air strikes begin, archaeologists are turning to safer countries of Turkmenistan and Georgia.
Source: The Morning Call
While the Moravian settlement featuring the stately Whitefield House has been preserved as a museum, the First House had been razed 150 years ago.
Source: ANSAmed
Ancient natatio and small charterhouse cloister now on show
Source: NYT
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State, adheres to Wahhabism, a severe form of Islam quick to denounce others, even fellow militant groups like Al Qaeda, as infidels and worthy of death.
Source: NYT
"Scattered attacks have raised alarm about how Europe is changing and whether it remains a safe place for Jews."