With support from the University of Richmond

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Surviving Iranian Embassy siege gunman freed to enjoy life in London

On a trip out in London just days after being freed from jail, this is the only terrorist to survive the Iranian Embassy siege - enjoying his new life on benefits.

Fowzi Nejad, 51, has been granted parole after serving 28 years for his part in the hostage-taking, and will not be deported back to his native Iran because of human rights laws.

Instead, he has been placed in a safe house in London and receives hundreds of pounds every week in free housing and benefits.

A source said: 'He will usually be up by 8am. He does a circuit, he is super-fit and might go for a run and to the gym. In the afternoon he tends to go to the job centre, the pictures or even sight-seeing around London.

'He is leading quite a good lifestyle really. He is so happy to be out that he is doing the tour of London. He's not doing any harm but he has areas where he can't go, for example the Iranian Embassy.'

The source added: 'He was completely understanding that what he did was wrong. He has apologised to those people who were involved. He is completely reformed.'

Nejad and five other terrorists forced their way into the embassy in West London in April 1980, demanding independence for part of southern Iran and taking 26 hostages.
They killed a hostage after six days, which led then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to order the SAS to storm the building.
Read entire article at Daily Mail (UK)