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Grave site found for American humorist George Washington Harris (GA)

Members of writer George Harris’ family including his great, great great-grandson, great great-grandson, and great-grandson, as well as researchers and others were on hand Sunday afternoon for the unveiling of a monument marking his final resting place. Until recently, it was not known where his gravesite was located.

The previously unknown resting place of an influential American writer has been found in Dade County.

This past Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. a large group of people gathered at Brock’s Cemetery on Creek Road to witness the unveiling of a monument to American humorist George Washington Harris.

George Harris was traveling by train on a return trip from Decatur, Ala., to Richmond, Va., when he became ill. It is believed by some that he was poisoned.

Harris died in Knoxville and was returned by his second wife, to whom he had only been married three months, to his children in Trenton where he was laid to rest next to his first wife.

Harris, who was born in Alleghany City, Pa., held many jobs during his lifetime including captain of the Steamboat Knoxville, alderman and postmaster of Knoxville, Tenn.

He began writing for a magazine in New York called “Spirit of the Times” and these stories were combined after the Civil War into a book called “Sut Lovingood. Yarns Spun by a Nat’ral Born Durn’d Fool.”
Read entire article at http://dadesentinel.com