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A List of Notable Presidential Firings Since 1951

President Donald Trump, long known for his reality television show's signature line, "You're fired," has continued its use during his time in office.

Here, Roll Call catalogues the last 70 years or so of presidents notably telling top officials to "take a hike." ...

Richard Nixon

Richard G. Kleindienst, Attorney General

H.R. Haldeman, White House Chief of Staff

John Erlichman, White House Adviser

John Dean, White House Council

Nixon fired Kleindienst, Haldeman, Erlichman and Dean as scapegoats for the Watergate break-in and subsequent scandal, declaring “there can be no whitewash at the White House.”

Archibald Cox, Special prosecutor, Watergate

On the notoriously dubbed Saturday Night Massacre, Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliott Richardson to fire Cox after being issued a subpoena. Richardson refused and resigned. After receiving the same order, Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus also resigned. On the third try, Solicitor General Robert H. Bork agreed to execute the order. 

Gerald R. Ford

Henry Kissinger, National Security Adviser

James Schlesinger, Secretary of Defense

William Colby, CIA Director

Nelson Rockefeller, Vice President

On the so-called Halloween Massacre, Kissinger, Schlesinger and Colby were out (Kissinger retained his post as secretary of State). Brent Scowcroft was in as national security adviser, George H.W. Bush as CIA director, Donald Rumsfeld was to lead Defense and Dick Cheney moved up to be chief of staff (at 34-years-old, he became the youngest in the role in history).

The president also announced that day that Rockefeller had withdrawn from the 1976 presidential ticket, though he was still the current vice president. Bob Dole became Ford's running mate in an election they lost to Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale.

Jimmy Carter

Joseph Califano, Secretary of H.E.W.

James Schlesinger, Secretary of Energy

W. Michael Blumenthal, Treasury Secretary

Brock Adams, Secretary of Transportation

Carter shook things up to show he was in charge and headed in the right direction. Instead, the public took it as a sign the administration was failing and desperate.

Read entire article at Roll Call