This page features brief excerpts of stories published by the mainstream
media and, less frequently, blogs, alternative media, and even obviously
biased sources. The excerpts are taken directly from the websites cited in
each source note. Quotation marks are not used.
Source: NYT
by Morris Dees and J. Richard Cohen
Americans tend to view attacks like the mass murder in Charleston as isolated hate crimes, but many are connected to a broader movement, says the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Source: The Daily Beast
When Dylann Roof discovered the Council of Conservative Citizens and was radicalized, he was tapping into a deep history of Southern racism.
Source: KPBS
With 6,000 people dressed in period costumes wandering around the countryside near Waterloo, there were bound to be a few interesting incidents.
Source: ITV
Islamic State has reportedly planted mines and bombs in the ruins of the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra, according to a monitoring organisation.
Source: Al Arabiya News
A group of curators from the UK will travel to Iraq, Syria, and Libya where they will work with fellow curators there to identify any items that could be rescued.
Source: NYT
Responding to Freedom of Information requests, the National Archives and Records Administration released a trove of documents and photos from Dick Cheney’s time as vice president.
Source: NYT
Having for decades viewed antiquities as relics of feudal oppression and bourgeois decadence, the party now says art can “lead people to live a life abiding by the code of morality."
Source: NPR
New genetic evidence suggests that Kennewick Man, an 8,500-year-old skeleton found in Washington state, is related to members of a nearby Native American tribe.
Source: The Post and Courier
While South Carolina has suffered a long history of racially motivated arson attacks at black churches, some as recently as the late 1990s, the state’s last mass slaying of this scale occurred 139 years ago during the Reconstruction Era.
Source: AP
James Buchanan, a Democrat who served one term just before the Civil War, never married. His niece, Harriet Lane, filled the first lady's role.
Source: New Historian
A recent research study, published in the journal Current Biology, has posited that the rise of religions such as Judaism (and its eventual offshoots of Christianity and Islam), Buddhism, Daoism, Brahmanism, and Jainism resulted from increases in economic development and better standards of living.
Source: Slate
An Interview With Mark Stebbins, the Original Rachel Dolezal
Source: The Atlantic
It’s the Griswold decision fifty years ago this month. It raised women’s incomes and expanded opportunities for their children
Source: Media Matters
Media Matters says Fox is hyping fears that "U.S. History May Be History"
Source: ITV News
"I find it extraordinary that we're dragging the poor Queen here to commemorate the second greatest humiliation in the history of the monarchy."
Source: Science Nordic
DNA from 101 Bronze Age skeletons shows that Europeans came from nomadic tribes who invaded during the Bronze Age.
Source: BBC
The destruction of beautiful historic buildings in Yemen has provoked an online debate, with people asking if buildings are being valued more than human lives.
Source: Mondoweiss
When Bshara Nassar arrived in Washington, DC, he strolled along the National Mall and passed myriad museums dedicated to exposing the painful history of oppressed peoples: the National Museum of the American Indian, the Holocaust Museum, Laogai Museum, the list goes on.
Source: United with Israel
Spanish politician Guillermo Zapata joked about the Holocaust on Twitter and is now facing public criticism. He apologized, saying he is not an anti-Semite but enjoys black humor.
Source: Express
MPs face being evicted for five years while 3 billion pounds in repairs are made.