This page features brief excerpts of stories published by the mainstream
media and, less frequently, blogs, alternative media, and even obviously
biased sources. The excerpts are taken directly from the websites cited in
each source note. Quotation marks are not used.
Rachel Waltner Goossen, a Mennonite, is a history professor at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas.
Source: First Post
Young resorted to Twitter to complain. Malhotra then used Twitter to respond.
Source: Inside Higher ED
by David C. Williard
Historian David C. Williard says he wants his students to understand the context of the debate over the Confederate flag.
Source: American Historical Association's Perspectives
7-7-15 (accessed)
by Nancy F. Cott
"History, like the Constitution, can be read in more than one way."
Source: Inside Higher ED
by A.J. Caschetta
Rhodes College history professor Jonathan Judaken accused a critic of a smear job. Here’s the response.
When Reagan-appointed Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote his gay- marriage opinion, it turns out he was channeling an Evergreen State College professor.
Source: Process (blog of the OAH)
by Hendrik Hartog
Hendrik Hartog reflects on the Supreme Court’s decision to cite the work of historians.
by Erik Moshe
This week ... books about Nixon (reviewed by David Greenberg) and Joseph Ellis's latest exegesis on the Founding Fathers.
Source: Press Release
The Pritzker Literature Award—which includes a medallion, citation, and $100,000 honorarium—recognizes and honors the contributions of a living author for a body of work dedicated to enriching the understanding of military history.
Source: Prague Post
Andrej Zubov says Russian youth must learn from history
Source: Chronicle of Higher Ed
by Scott Sherman
What went wrong at one of the world’s eminent research institutions?
Source: WaPo Letters to the Editor
The papers implicate Alger Hiss in espionage. But another letter writer claims that Weinstein got facts wrong in his book on Hiss.
Source: Oregonian
Justice Anthony Kennedy's opinion leaned heavily on the historians' argument that, while marriage has traditionally been between one man and one woman, it has greatly evolved along with society and the law.
Source: NY Review of Books
by Gordon Wood
Gordon Wood, in a review, wonders if it's because Haselby spent 6 years teaching in the Middle East.
Source: The Nation
There’s so much to unpack about former Israeli ambassador to the US Michael Oren’s recent forays into generating book publicity.
Source: Aeon
As the dreams of Silicon Valley fill our world, could the dowdy historian Arnold Toynbee help prevent a nightmare?
Source: Observer
by Paul Miller
George Smith was hired to teach class on Israel at U of Missouri.
Source: Salon
In an interview with Salon he puts Charleston in perspective.
Source: NYT
Host Henry Louis Gates apologizes
Source: Chronicle of Higher Ed
What prompted him? Public conversations about the shooting were generally devoid of the kind of historical knowledge that frames contemporary racial violence and its deep roots. Twitter's helping.