35 years in Pakistan jail cell [audio 11min]
For 35 years, Kashmir Singh was imprisoned in Pakistan. His family couldn't find him. Indian and Sikh organizations spent years fruitlessly searching for him. His case had long since been forgotten, even by his captors. And in the end, he was discovered purely by accident, during a routine jail visit by a group including Pakistan's Minister for Human Rights. After that chance discovery, Kashmir Singh was pardoned by Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf -- and at long last, is now home with his wife and children. Fahad Burney was one of the people who discovered Mr. Singh -- and, later, accompanied him back to India. Mr. Burney is the vice-chairman of Ansar Burney Trust, which works to release wrongfully incarcerated prisoners.
Read entire article at CBC Radio One "As It Happens" Part 2