One Irishman's Take on St. Patrick's Day [audio 5min]
March 17th is the day in the United States when many people bloom with green. Most of them are not Irish, but St. Patrick's Day has become a showing of the colors in many American cities. According to the United States Census Bureau, 34.7 million U.S. residents claim Irish ancestry. This is more than five times the actual population of the entire island of Ireland. One among them who is a true Irishman, and a recent immigrant to these shores, is the writer Frank Delaney, the world's most eloquent man. Delaney is a well-known novelist and writer. His last two books are a novel, Ireland, and last year's saga of the sea, Simple Courage: A True Story of Peril on the Sea. He has also been a well-known broadcaster, host of the BBC shows Bookshelf and Word of Mouth.
Read entire article at NPR "Weekend Edition Saturday"