BBC Arabic dramatises Dickens's انشودة عيد الميلاد [audio 11min & 8min]
BBC Xtra English presents انشودة عيد الميلاد, a special تم اعداده للاذاعة of Charles Dickens's famous Christmas story. The story is set in London in 1843, on Christmas Eve. Ebenezer Scrooge is a بخيل - شحيح, a mean old man who cares nothing for the people around him. Scrooge especially hates Christmas."Christmas? Bah humbug!" he يتذمر -- It's a waste of time and money. On Christmas Eve, as he يحتسى - يرشف his thin soup by a small fire, Scrooge is visited by the شبح of his former business partner, Jacob Marley. When he was alive, Marley was also a بخيل - شحيح. Now that he is dead, he has to walk the earth forever as a شبح -- never بسلام, dragging the سلاسل that he made behind him. Marley has come to حذر Scrooge, to make him يغير طريقة حياته - يغير سلوكه before it is too late. Marley tells Scrooge that he will be تطارده الاشباح by three اشباح - ارواح -- the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future. Does Scrooge learn anything? Do the ghosts succeed in changing Scrooge before it is too late? Listen and find out in انشودة عيد الميلاد narrated by Hala Osman, starring Sam Farah as Scrooge and the ممثلون of BBC Xtra English.
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