Recording the living history of WWI veterans [audio 8min]
Veterans Day was once called Armistice Day. It marked the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, when the guns fell silent in Europe, and the American doughboys and sailors and Marines who'd gone to fight World War I could come home. In the 88 years since, these men, too, have fallen silent. More than 4 million Americans served in World War I. Only 14 are left. The youngest is 106, the oldest 115. Will Everett crisscrossed the country to interview as many of the survivors of the Great War as he could find. These are their stories -- about their battlefield experiences, the horrors of the trenches and what the war taught them. Webpage includes photos, link to World War I Living History Project website.
Read entire article at NPR "All Things Considered"