Secret prison camp was Canadian response to Cold War tensions [audio 6min @22:13]
Nothing brings out the totalitarian in an otherwise benign democracy like a national emergency. In fact, sometimes, to see how readily our elected representatives will dispense with our civil liberties, you don't even need to have a crisis from sea-to-sea-to-sea. You just need someone who knows his way around Canada's Access To Information Act. Dr. John Clearwater has uncovered just such a trove of evidence. While researching his latest book, he was given RCMP documents about preparations for a"national emergency" between 1948 and 1984. These included pre-approved lists of potential agitators -- who would be arrested and carted off to concentration camps for the duration of the crisis. Dr. Clearwater is a nuclear weapons specialist and the Ottawa-based author of Just Dummies: Cruise Missile Testing in Canada.
Read entire article at CBC Radio One "As It Happens" Part 3