King Memorial to join crowded D.C. Mall landscape [audio 6min]
As history marches on, space for memorials on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., is shrinking. The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, which officially begins construction on Nov. 13, may perhaps be the last monument to be built on the parcel. The King memorial will be built on one of the Mall's prime pieces of real estate, across from the Jefferson Memorial and just behind the cherry blossom trees that ring the Tidal Basin. They bloom in April, the month when King was assassinated. The site for the Martin Luther King memorial was approved in 1999. The National Capital Planning Commission has extensive plans for dealing with the crowding problem. One way or another, says Judy Feldman, change is inevitable. History never stops; there will always be more presidents, heroes and wars needing to be memorialized. Wepbage includes extended report by Lynn Neary.
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