Dizzy Gillespie's Cold War jazz diplomacy [audio 5min]
Official diplomacy is one time-tested way to ease tensions between countries. But, as John Birks Gillespie proved two generations ago, American jazz and "cultural outreach" can go a long way, too. Fifty years ago, in the midst of the Cold War, the U.S. government dispatched a high-level emissary to ease tensions during a nuclear crisis: a jazz trumpeter known to most of the world as Dizzy. Gillespie and his band went overseas in the name of cultural diplomacy. Last week, the University of Southern California marked the anniversary of this historic tour with a special concert. USC has just inaugurated a Master's program in cultural diplomacy, emphasizing person-to-person outreach by artists and entertainers. USC Professor Nicholas Coll explains that in the post-Sept. 11 era, cultural diplomacy is more important than ever. ~Website offers extended report by Karen Grigsby Bates, photos, audio clips.
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