What should college teach? [audio 52min]
Harvard University has published a new plan to revamp its" core" general education requirements. Harvard’s long been looked to as a kind of leader in defining what colleges should be teaching -- and so it made us wonder: What should students be learning today, in 2006? What do they need to know these days in order to function as happy, engaged adults? Guests: Susan Gallagher, Professor of political science, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Martha Nussbaum, Professor of law and ethics, University of Chicago Law School; David Shaffer, Professor of learning science, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Madison-Wisconsin, and author of How Computer Games Help Children Learn (forthcoming, December 2006); Amardeep Singh, Professor of English, Lehigh University; Razib Khan, blogger.
Read entire article at Open Source Media "Open Source with Christopher Lydon"