'I Wish I'd Been There...' [audio 39min]
Pick a day in history -- the day Lincoln was shot, the day Meriweather Lewis stood on the divide, any significant moment -- and imagine you were there. That's what historians were asked to do in the new book, Wish I'd Been There. The book's editor, along with three of its contributors, join us to talk about the question,"What event would you like to have witnessed?" Guests: Byron Hollinshead, editor of I Wish I'd Been There and president of American Historical Publications; Carolyn Gilman, special projects historian at the Missouri Historical Society and author of several books on Native American and Western history; Robert Dallek, presidential historian and author of nine books on American history; Clayborne Carson, professor of history, director of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers Project at Stanford University, and author of many books on King and the civil rights movement.
Read entire article at NPR "Talk of the Nation"