18th-century interior-design market compares to today's world [audio 15min]
Richard Foster recounts stories based on old accounting documents. Soon after the famous actor and theatre manager David Garrick bought a London house at 6 Adelphi Terrace in 1771, Dr Johnson observed: 'He now lives rather as a prince than as an actor'. The surviving bills of Chippendale, Haig & Co for the furnishing of Garrick's house prove the good doctor's point -- the total cost was £931 9s 31/2d. Thomas Chippendale had expanded his furniture-making business to offer a complete interior decoration service, and his bills detail every room of Garrick's house. What is the modern equivalent of Garrick's trendy and ostentatious decor? Richard accompanies a contemporary interior designer on a similar project.
Read entire article at BBC Radio 4 "The Old Bill"