With support from the University of Richmond

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'Lucifer Box' was Charles Dickens's favourite child [audio 8min]

Katey Dickens was the favourite child of Charles Dickens. She grew up in a famous household, surrounded by genius, to become a celebrity in her own right, as an artist. Nicknamed"Lucifer Box" by her father because of her furious and fiery temper, she went on to become friends with such luminaries as William Thackeray, John Everett Millais, George Bernard Shaw and J.M Barrie. Until now Katey’s life and works have largely been forgotten but her great-great-great niece, Lucinda Hawksley, has redressed this balance. She tells presenter Jenni Murray about her biography Katey: The Life and Loves of Dickens's Artist Daughter, and why Katey challenges our preconceptions of Victorian women.
Read entire article at BBC Radio 4 "Woman's Hour"