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1502 Toledo Summit included finest musicians of the age [audio 30min]

Bridget Kendall looks at three of the most colourful and flamboyant political and royal summits in history, and examines the role music played in such events. Part 1, "The Toledo Summit of 1502": In 1502, three of the most influential courts in Europe converged when Philip the Fair, Duke of Burgundy, arrived in Toledo with his Spanish wife, Juana la Loca, to be sworn in as heirs to the thrones of Castile and Aragon. Over the next four months a whole series of ceremonies took place, providing a platform for cultural exchange between the Spanish musicians of the courts of Isabella and Ferdinand and the visiting Flemish performers, who included some of the finest musicians of the age.
Read entire article at BBC Radio 4 "Marking the Event" Tue 25 Jul 06