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King Arthur's enchantresses ~ Portrayals have altered over time [audio 9min]

The legend of King Arthur is one of the most enduring, with his knights of the round table, the castle at Camelot and quest for the Holy Grail. But they are also stories that abound with women - especially enchantresses. Morgan le Fey is the most well-known but there are others like the Lady of the Lake and Vivien. These were strong women, who challenged the chivalric order and wove a powerful magic. But as Dr Carolyne Larrington shows in her new book -- King Arthur's Enchantresses: Morgan and her Sisters in Arthurian Tradition (I.B.Tauris) -- their portrayal has altered over time. Presenter Jenni Murray is joined by Carolyne, who's a Fellow and Tutor in Medieval English at St John's College, Oxford; and by Dr Juliette Wood, from Cardiff University, to discuss our changing fascination with the Arthurian enchantress.
Read entire article at BBC Radio 4 "Woman's Hour"