With support from the University of Richmond

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Quiz: Are You a Yankee or a Rebel?

If you say"pa-JAM-uzz" instead of"pa-JAHM-zz" or"yooz guys" instead of"ya'll," chances are, you're a Yankee. If you call a bag a sack or pronounce route as"rout" instead of"root," you're probably a rebel. You can figure out just how much of Southerner you are by taking an online quiz called"Are You a Yankee or a Rebel?" It asks questions about how you pronounce certain words and phrases and then calculates the amount of Dixie in your speech. The test was co-developed by Robert Beard. He has a Ph.D. in linguistics and is president of AlphaDictionary.com. For example, if you pronounce the word aunt like ain't, the quiz determines you're from the"deep, deep South; you should come up for air." Beard says pronunciations are"nothing but regional dialects. It doesn't reflect intelligence or anything like that -- simply the area in which you grew up in." Steve Inskeep reports. ~Website offers"Glossary of Quaint Southernisms."
Read entire article at NPR "Morning Edition"