With support from the University of Richmond

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Museums' Storage Problems • Motorcycle Speedways • Domesday & Northumbria [audio 30min]

Sue Cook and the "Making History" team examine listeners' historical queries and gets to the bottom of historical mysteries, local legends, family curiosities and architectural oddities. 1) "Making History" visited Saffron Walden Museum in North Essex to find out more about some of the artefacts held there and the problems the museum has in storing everything, and also consulted Hedley Swain, Head of the Early Department at the Museum of London. 2) Dylan Winter travelled to Poole in Dorset to find out more about the background to motorcycle speedway in the UK. 3) Why is Northumbria not in the Domesday Book? "Making History" consulted Professor Nick Higham of the University of Manchester.
Read entire article at BBC Radio 4 "Making History"