Free Trade Preferences [audio 15min]
"Empire" 78th of 90: During the early years of Edward VII's short reign, the debate on the future relationship between the mother country and her colonies reached a point of political and colonial in-fighting hardly witnessed in the story of the empire. There were three connecting elements in the debate: the ideas of a Greater Britain, Imperial Defence and in the centre, Free Trade. "This Sceptred Isle: Empire" is a narrative history of the British Empire from Ireland in the 12th century to the independence of India in the 20th, told in 90 programmes written by historian Christopher Lee and narrated by actor Juliet Stevenson. ~Visit website to listen again to 5 most recent episodes, plus interactive maps and timeline, biographical dictionary, image galleries, quizzes, sources, resources, listeners' comments.
Read entire article at BBC Radio 4 "This Sceptred Isle: Empire"