With support from the University of Richmond

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Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India [audio 15min]

"Empire" 75th of 90: On the 6 January 1899 George Nathaniel, 1st Marquess Curzon, arrived in India to be at 39, the youngest ever viceroy. Immediately he made clear that he deplored the sloth and inefficiency of many of his colleagues and officials. He trod on their sensitivities and scattered their moribund bureaucracies. He often disagreed with his officials and it was a political argument with his new commander-in-chief, Kitchener, which ended his time as viceroy. "This Sceptred Isle: Empire" is a narrative history of the British Empire from Ireland in the 12th century to the independence of India in the 20th, told in 90 programmes written by historian Christopher Lee and narrated by actor Juliet Stevenson. ~Visit website to listen again to 5 most recent episodes, plus interactive maps and timeline, biographical dictionary, image galleries, quizzes, sources, resources, listeners' comments.
Read entire article at BBC Radio 4 "This Sceptred Isle: Empire"