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FBI Swarms Farm in Search for Jimmy Hoffa's Body [audio 4min]

Federal agents in Milford Township, Mich., a western Detroit suburb, are digging up a horse farm searching for any sign of the remains of former union leader Jimmy Hoffa. Hoffa disappeared in 1975. The farm is known as a place where organized crime figures used to hang out. Agents secured a search warrant to search the farm -- the first federal warrant in the case for more than 10 years. FBI officials have not commented on the current effort to find the former Teamsters boss. But the search is believed to have been sparked by an anonymous tip. NPR's Michele Norris talks with Joe Swickard, a staff reporter for the Detroit Free Press. Swickard has been following the story of Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance since the 1980s.
Read entire article at NPR "All Things Considered"