Militarizing the Border [video/audio 34min]
President Bush spoke on national TV last night and called for 6,000 National Guard troops to be deployed to the U.S.-Mexican border. We look at the growing militarization of the border and the role private contractors, like Halliburton, are playing. Guests: Fernando Garcia, Director of the Border Network for Human Rights in El Paso, Texas; Timothy Dunn, Professor of Sociology at Salisbury University in Maryland, and author of The Militarization of the U.S.-Mexico Border: Low Intensity Conflict Doctrine Comes Home; Joseph Nevins, a Professor of Geography at Vassar College and author of a number of books including Operation Gatekeeper: The Rise of the Illegal Alien and the Making of the U.S.-Mexico Boundary; and Joe Richey, investigative journalist who's covered Homeland Security's Border Protection programs for Alternet and FreeSpeech TV.
Read entire article at Democracy Now!