With support from the University of Richmond

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Protest That Sings: Neil Young's 'Living with War' [4min]

Living With War, the new album from Neil Young, features a 100-voice choir that backs the singer/songwriter's musings on President Bush, the conflict in Iraq and families on the home front. The ten-song collection includes songs with such titles as"Shock and Awe,""Looking for a Leader" and"Let's Impeach the President." The music is the latest work from Young that seeks to capture a pivotal moment in time, much as he did with"Let's Roll" -- about the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and 1970's"Ohio," about the shooting of students during a protest at Kent State University. Young, who was born in Canada, has lived in the United States for decades. The songs he wrote for Living With War reflect criticism and concern for people living through a trying time. ...Visit website to hear sample songs.
Read entire article at NPR "All Things Considered"