With support from the University of Richmond

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'Let Every Nation Know': JFK in His Own Words [37min]

Often described as the first president of the television age, John F. Kennedy was profoundly affected by the rhetoric of Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt, and he consciously tried to cast himself in their mold. Kennedy's presidency lasted only 1,000 days, one of the briefest in American history. Yet it's well remembered, not just because of dramatic events -- the Cuban Missile Crisis, the civil-rights movement and the space race -- but because of the words the president used to describe them. Presidential historian Robert Dallek and journalist Terry Golway have collected Kennedy's most famous speeches in a CD that accompanies their new book, Let Every Nation Know: John F. Kennedy in His Own Words. ...Visit website for 6 audio clips of speech excerpts.
Read entire article at NPR "Talk of the Nation"