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A Political Warning Shot: 'American Theocracy' [21min]

Kevin Phillips rose to prominence on the heels of Richard Nixon's political triumphs. His 1969 book The Emerging Republican Majority was hailed as a visionary work of political analysis. But his new book, American Theocracy, argues that the Republican Party -- and the country -- is headed for disaster. Subtitled"The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century," American Theocracy puts the trials of modern America into the context of other great historical powers. From Rome to Great Britain, Phillips identifies the keys to their decline -- and draws parallels to modern America. Phillips wrote a 2004 bestseller, American Dynasty, about the Bush family. American Theocracy is a harsh criticism of the current Bush administration and the Republican Party. Phillips, a senior strategist for Richard Nixon's 1968 presidential bid, registered himself as a political independent in 2002. The Emerging Republican Majority correctly predicted the trend of American voters toward greater conservatism -- particularly in the South. Since then, Phillips has written 11 books about economics, history and politics. In 1978, Phillips became a radio commentator for CBS News, and in 1984, for National Public Radio as well.
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