With support from the University of Richmond

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Christian Numbers on Decline in the Middle East [34min]

The number of Christians who live in the area where their religion began is in decline. Join Neal Conan and guests for a discussion about why Christians are leaving the Middle East and what that means for the future of their faith and the politics from the lands they leave behind. Guests: Charles Sennott, author of The Body and the Blood: The Middle East's Vanishing Christians and the Possibility for Peace; Nina Shea, director, Center for Religious Freedom, Freedom House; Eden Naby, specialist on the modern Middle East, particularly the area from Iraq to Central Asia; Fawaz Gerges, Christian A. Johnson chairholder in Middle East and International Affairs at Sarah Lawrence College in New York; author of The Far Enemy: Why Jihad Went Global.
Read entire article at NPR "Talk of the Nation"