Warren Hastings [15min]
This was not always an honourable period in the history of the East India Company. Its officials took bribes and 'commissions' in the manner of the very Indian nabobs they despised. Clive once told a House of Commons committee who accused him of taking money that he was surprised at his own restraint. Hastings had a reputation of being very open about gifts and entering commissions and presents in the Company register, although there were occasional lapses.
Hastings was never fabulously wealthy like Clive. When he wanted to go to England he had to borrow the fare and expenses. Hastings went to England in 1765 and stayed for four years, until the directors decided he was the best man to protect their interests in Madras. His return to India began with an intrigue which contradicted his reputation for being an unimaginative and sober soul. He began a shipboard romance with the very young wife of a Baron Imhoff that continued in India. They were eventually married.