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Robert Hooke's Handwritten Minutes of Britain's Royal Society [7min @9:37]

Some people may know him as "England's Leonardo". But to most of us laypeople, the name "Dr. Robert Hooke" doesn't really ring a bell at all. Despite his numerous achievements in the fields of physics, chemistry and biology, this 17th-century British scientist gets little respect nowadays -- he's perpetually overshadowed by his onetime colleague, Isaac Newton. Well, at long last, the name of Dr. Robert Hooke is getting some attention. A manuscript in the hand of Dr. Hooke, in which he recorded the minutes of Britain's Royal Society, has been discovered in a dusty Hampshire cupboard. And experts have estimated its value at £1 million. Felix Pryor is a manuscript consultant with Bonham's Auction House, in London.
Read entire article at CBC Radio One "As It Happens" Part 2