With support from the University of Richmond

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America, Britain & Europe in a New Century [65min]

In his new book, Cousins and Strangers, Chris Patten, argues that America’s status as the only superpower must be reined in, but he also warns Europe against too ardently challenging U.S. leadership. Patten is one of Europe’s most distinguished statesmen. Drawing on more than three decades of experience in government and international diplomacy, Chris Patten investigates the relationships among Britain, Europe, and America and how all three must adapt to cope with the economic and political challenges of the twenty-first century. Patten is Chancellor of Oxford and Newcastle Universities and author of East and West: China, Power, and the Future of Asia. He has served as European Commissioner for External Relations, 1999-2004; Chairman of the Conservative Party; and the last British governor of Hong Kong.
Read entire article at World Affairs Coucil of Northern California 01/30/06