With support from the University of Richmond

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Canadians & Americans Respond to US Plan for Anti-Terrorism Fence on Canadian Border [4min @9:40]

What a reaction to our little conversation last night with Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo! The US House of Representatives has passed new legislation that could allow a security fence to be built between the United States and Canada. Colorado Congressman Tancredo explained why he was in favour of the fence. Then Talkback explained its view on the matter. More than ninety people called us, and less than five of you supported Congressman Tancredo's idea of a fence. The numbers were similar in all the email we received. Out of 28 pages, three people favoured the fence. Roger Stone from Stittsville, Ontario, was one of them. He writes: "Considering the ease with which that Algerian arrived at Port Angeles on his way to Seattle with his carload of explosives, the US has every right to regard Canada as a potential source of terrorists or other unwanted visitors. And that is just one example. We should be cooperating, not criticizing."
Read entire article at CBC Radio One "As It Happens" Part 1