With support from the University of Richmond

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Dr Martin Luther King v Malcolm X [45min]

Allan Little chairs a restaging of the debate between two towering figures of the Civil Rights Movement -- Dr Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Both men were charismatic leaders, committed to achieving freedom for African-Americans yet they held very different views on how to achieve equality. Should one use non-violent direct action and work to shame one's oppressors, or should civil rights be achieved by 'any means necessary'? To debate this in front of an invited audience in Birmingham are Dr David Muir, Public Policy Director for the Evangelical Alliance; Simon Woolley, Director of Operation Black Vote; Dr Hakim Adi, Lecturer in History at Middlesex University and Toyin Agbetu, Founder of the Ligali Organisation, the African British Equality Authority.
Read entire article at BBC Radio 4 "The Great Debates"