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New Seven Wonders [9min @ 10:43]

It's one of those head-scratchers that comes up from time to time: what exactly are the Seven Wonders of the World? Most of us can usually get the Great Pyramid of Giza, or maybe even the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. But does anyone ever remember The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus? Besides the good citizens of Ephesus, of course. Well, you could take some time to learn all seven -- it might impress your friends at parties. Particularly if they're from Ephesus. Or, you could just wait until January 1, 2007, when a whole new set of seven will be announced. The New Seven Wonders Foundation in Switzerland is asking people from around the world to spend 2006 voting on shortlist of twenty-one candidates. Bernard Weber is the founder of the New Seven Wonders Foundation. We reached him in Zurich, Switzerland. Voting is via the the New Seven Wonders Foundation's website, on http://cms.n7w.com/.
Read entire article at CBC Radio One "As It Happens" Part 1