Royal Geographical Society Celebrates 175th Anniversary [30min]
Redmond O'Hanlon, writer, explorer, and author of Trawler: A Journey through the North Atlantic (Penguin Books). Redmond was elected a member of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History in 1982, a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society in 1984.
Nick Middleton, travel writer, geographer and author of Extremes Along the Silk Road: Adventures Off the World's Oldest Superhighway (John Murray). Nick has travelled to more than 70 countries and has written several travel books. In 2002 he won the Royal Geographical Society's Ness Award in recognition of his widening the public enthusiasm for geography through his travel writing.
Rita Gardner, Royal Geographical Society's Director and coauthor of Discovering Landscape in England and Wales (Kluwer Academic Publishers). Rita became Director of the Royal Geographical Society (with The Institute of British Geographers) in August 1996. She is a member of the Society's Wahiba Sands Project in Oman and more recently as co-leader of the Institute of Hydrology/RGS-IBG Nepal Research Project 1990-96. Her research interests include Quaternary environmental change; and aeolian and tropical geomorphology. Rita Gardner was awarded the Society's Busk Medal, for contributions to geomorphology, in 1995.