Masters of Chaos: The Secret History of the Special Forces [60min]
In Masters of Chaos, veteran journalist Linda Robinson provides an exclusive look at America’s most secretive warriors, the U.S. Army Special Forces and describes their missions around the world over the past 15 years, including their current missions in Afghanistan and their largest-ever deployment in Iraq. With privileged accessed to the closed world of the the Army's elite unit, Ms. Robinson illustrates the operating techniques of the Green Berets, and discusses why they are uniquely suited to confront the threats of the 21st Century. Over a three-year period, Ms. Robinson traveled with the Special Forces on the frontlines, interviewed them at length on their home bases, and studied their doctrine, methods and history. The new generation of Special Forces soldiers are experts in insurgencies and terror threats. While they have mastered the arts of the surgical use of force, they frequently find ways to accomplish their goals without firing a shot. They are the only military unit trained in foreign languages and cultures, and they are older than most frontline fighters.
Read entire article at World Affairs Council of Northern California