With support from the University of Richmond

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The Nuremburg Trial [2hrs]

This docudrama is an overview of the most significant trial of the 20th century -- from the opening words of Chief US Prosecutor Justice Robert Jackson, the indictment, and the not guilty pleas of the Nazi leaders, to the summing-up 11 months later by the Chief British Prosecutor Hartley Shawcross, and the verdicts and hangings that followed. Enacted extracts from the trial transcripts reveal the horrors of Hitler's Third Reich, the actions of the instigators of major crimes, and weaknesses in the Prosecution case. Leading Nazis, arrogant, indoctrinated, but otherwise intelligent men, deny and often try to justify the horrific results of their actions. Crucial moments from the examination and cross-examination of defendants are interwoven with eye-witness accounts from relatives and victims, as well as the views of historians, lawyers and prosecutors recorded in Britain, Germany, Russia and the USA. The re-enacted trial sequences were selected, compiled and edited by Peter Goodchild.


Geoffrey Lawrence ...... Bernard Hepton
Robert Jackson ...... Henry Goodman
Hartley Shawcross ...... David Timson
David Maxwell-Fyfe ...... Geoffrey Whitehead
Dr Gilbert ...... Mike Nussbaum
Hermann Goering ...... Gerard Murphy
Ribbentrop ...... David Collings
Kaltenbrunner ...... Ian Hogg
Alfred Jodl ...... John Shrapnel
Albert Speer ...... Michael Cochrane
Commentator ...... Jane Whittenshaw

Others taking part:

Nigel Anthony, Bob Sherman, John Rowe, Andrew Branch, John Hartley, John Hollis, Paul Copley, John Castle, Paul Jenkins, Robert Glenister, Michael Maloney, Crawford Logan, Ross Livingstone, Stephen Critchlow, Roger May, Tessa Worsley, Caroline Strong, Linda Rogan.

Producer/directors Martin Jenkins and John Theocharis.

Read entire article at BBC Radio 4 "Saturday Play" 19 November 2005