With support from the University of Richmond

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AHA to K-12 and Postsecondary Teachers: Share Your Challenges with "Divisive Concepts" Law

To date, at least 14 states have passed legislation prohibiting the teaching of concepts associated with race and slavery in the United States. At least another 16 states have similar bills currently going through the legislative process.[1]

The American Historical Association (AHA) and the Gardner Institute want to create resources that might help teachers concerned about the tension between the professional integrity of US history instruction and the potential implications of these laws and regulations.

To do this, we need first to hear about the challenges history educators are experiencing in states where this kind of legislation exists or is being advanced, and in school districts where boards of education are establishing comparable restrictions.

Our goal would be to offer strategies and sets of resources to help history educators in these contexts do their work effectively and honestly. These online materials and web-based workshops will be provided at no cost and in time for the fall term.

We invite you to register for one of two upcoming discussions—one for K–12 teachers and administrators, another for postsecondary teachers and administrators. Use the following links:

  • Register to Participate in Listening to K–12 History Educators Using This Link
    • March 28, 2022, 2:00pm EST
  • Register to Participate in Listening to Postsecondary History Educators Using This Link
    • April 5, 2022, 3:00pm EST

The AHA and Gardner Institute look forward to learning from and engaging with our colleagues on the front lines to help them continue to teach history with dignity and integrity.



Read entire article at American Historical Association