With support from the University of Richmond

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Why Aren’t Conservative Women Recognized During Women’s History Month?

Just as the likes of the great conservative Justice Clarence Thomas—the only Black justice on the U.S. Supreme Court—are often left out of mentions of Black History Month in February, so too, are many conservative women often ignored during Women’s History Month in March.

The media and entertainment industries tend to downplay many of the contributions made by outstanding trailblazing women—if they also happen to hold conservative viewpoints. The left regularly dismisses such women as less worthy of recognition and role modeling, and in doing so, leaves out a significant part of history from “women’s history.”

Last year, for example, Time Magazine highlighted one accomplished woman for each of the last 100 years. In the last 20 years alone, practically every single American woman on the list who was involved in politics or policy was from the left. They included Michelle Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and the founders of the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization, among others.

There was not a single conservative woman on the list. No first Black female secretary of State (Condoleezza Rice), no first female combat veteran to serve in the U.S. Senate (Joni Ernst) and no first woman to lead one of the top 20 largest companies in America (Carly Fiorina). The closest Time could get was a single moderate, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.

So, during this month’s women’s history celebration, will we see women’s magazines, history websites and media outlets laud Amy Coney Barrett, the first Supreme Court justice and working mom? What about the women of the new freshman class in the House of Representatives—the largest number of conservative women to win seats in the House in U.S. history—a group that more than doubled the number of right-leaning women in Congress?

Read entire article at Heritage Foundation