With support from the University of Richmond

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David Starkey on Henry VIII [8min]

Historian David Starkey joins a 45min roundtable discussion on the new puritanism, the future of city life, and the positives of teenage narcissism, and then talks about how Henry VIII changed the course of English history [starting at 30:45]. He discusses how the private character of the king shaped public events. David will be delivering the annual HarperCollins Biography Lecture on "The Private Life of Henry VIII" at the Centre for Editing Lives and Letters, Queen Mary, University of London, on 9 November. Host Andrew Marr also welcomes trend forecaster James Murphy; Professor Ricky Burdett, Director of the Cities Programme, London School of Economics; and psychoanalyst Margot Waddell.
Read entire article at BBC Radio 4 "Start the Week"