With support from the University of Richmond

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America is Undermining the Global Legal Order... Or Not?

Philippe Sands and John Yoo debate America's role in global law. Sands, Professor of Law, University College London; International Lawyer representing British detainees at Guantánamo and author of Lawless World argues,"Recent American actions are undermining the global legal order established after WW2 and promoting its economic interests at the expense of human rights and the environment." Yoo, Professor of Law, University of California at Berkeley, the former Deputy Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, and the author of The Powers of War and Peace says,"Pressing challenges to the international order and to American national security, such as international terrorism, WMD proliferation, and rogue states, have highlighted the failure or obsolescence of some elements of the international legal system."
Read entire article at World Affairs Council of Northern California