With support from the University of Richmond

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The Age of Anxiety: McCarthyism to Terrorism

For five long years in the 1950s, Senator Joseph McCarthy and his anti-Communist crusade dominated the American scene, terrified politicians, and destroyed the lives of thousands of our citizens. In The Age of Anxiety: McCarthyism to Terrorism, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Haynes Johnson tells this monumental story through the lens of its relevance to our own time, when fear again affects American behavior and attitudes, for he believes now, as then, that our civil liberties, our Constitution, and our nation are at stake as we confront the ever more difficult task of balancing the need for national security with that of personal liberty. Johnson is author of five national bestsellers, including The Best of Times: The Boom and Bust Years of America before and after Everything Changed.
Read entire article at World Affairs Council of Northern California