With support from the University of Richmond

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Theary Seng on Cambodia's Killing Fields

Theary Seng, author of "Daughter of the Killing Fields", was forced from her home when the Khmer Rouge took control in Cambodia. She was only three. Theary's father was murdered, and she was imprisoned with her brothers and her mother. Then her mother disappeared. She tells "Everywoman": "For me it was the clearest time when I experienced the separation of the material body and the soul. As a six year old, I felt that sensation. I didn't see the killing, and nobody told me she was killed, but everything inside me told me that she was killed." Theary Seng eventually moved to America, where she trained as a lawyer. Recently she returned to Cambodia, and she hopes to assist the tribunal of Khmer Rouge leaders next year.
Read entire article at BBC World Service "Everywoman"