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Audio News from Archaeologica

(1) Statues of Athena and Hera found on Crete; The statues date from between the 2nd and 4th centuries A.D., a period of Roman rule in Greece, archaeologists said. (2) Lost Maya city of Site Q found in Guatemala during a mission to the northwest Petèn region; the evidence -- an in-situ panel carved with over 140 hieroglyphs that fill in a key 30 year chapter in classic Maya history -- was found in a little known ancient royal center called La Corona. (3) Proving Homer's "Odyssey"; British amateur archaeologist claims Cephalonia is Odysseus's legendary Ithaca. (4) Searching for a pre-Revolutionary fort in Virginia; archaeological clues suggest the property in Shawsville, VA may have been the location of Fort Vause.
Read entire article at The Archaeology Channel 26 September-2 October 2005