With support from the University of Richmond

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Simon Schama & "Rough Crossings"

Historian, writer and broadcaster Simon Schama joins a panel discussion in the first programme in a new season of"Start the Week", which sets the cultural agenda every Monday. Guests are drawn from the top movers and shakers in politics, history, science and the arts. Award-winning journalist Andrew Marr also welcomes zoologist Andrew Parker, art curator Iris Müller-Westermann and former Downing Street insider Lance Price. Whilst Schama contributes throughout the programme, for 9 minutes starting at 13:32 he discusses the third side in the American War of Independence -- that of the black slaves who believed allying themselves with their enemy's enemy -- the British -- would set them free. Despite Britain being the world's greatest slave-trading nation, they thought that Britain was their salvation."Rough Crossings: Britain, the Slaves and the American Revolution" is published by BBC Books.

Former Downing Street insider Lance Price talks about why he's publishing a diary he kept during Tony Blair's first term. "The Spin Doctor's Diary" is published by Hodder & Stoughton.

Iris Müller-Westermann is the curator of a new exhibition of paintings by Edvard Munch which focuses on the artist's lesser-known self-portraits. "Edvard Munch By Himself" is at the Royal Academy of Arts and runs from 1 October to 11 December 2005.

Work begins this week on a new project led by zoologist Andrew Parker. His research looks at colours and optical effects found in animals to see if these effects can be emulated and applied to human activities such as anti-counterfeiting devices, defence and industry.

Read entire article at BBC Radio 4 "Start the Week"