With support from the University of Richmond

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The ghosts of Gallipoli: Revisiting the Anzac battlefields

In the annual New South Wales History Council Lecture, Dr Bruce Scates explores the historical experience of pilgrimage to Gallipoli, and other battlefields of the Great War. Ninety years after the landing in 1915, the Anzac Day commemorations at Gallipoli continue to draw thousands of 'pilgrims' each year. From old soldiers to young backpackers, the Anzac pilgrimage has gained in popularity in recent years, and might almost be considered a rite of passage for many Australians. In his lecture, Bruce Scates examines the meaning invested in visiting sites such as Gallipoli, the significance of these sites in the minds of many Australians, and the complex intersection of memory, emotion and history. Scates is author of "Return to Gallipoli: Walking the Battlefields of the Great War".
Read entire article at ABC Australia, Radio National "Hindsight"