With support from the University of Richmond

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The history of nylon

70 years ago in a research laboratory in Delaware, USA, a young scientist made a discovery that was to change the face of fashion forever. Nylon was the world’s first totally synthetic fibre and it was originally heralded as a 'miracle'. Within a few years nylon was being used in a whole range of products from brush bristles to racquet strings, but it was the launch of nylon stockings that really created a storm. "Woman’s Hour" explores the History of Nylon, and Jenni Murray is joined in the studio by Sue Mossman from London's Science Museum and Sandy Black from The London School of Fashion to discuss how technology has changed fashion and what we can expect in the future.

The story that the word "nylon" stands for "NY Lon(don)" is apocryphal. In fact, the original name was "norun" but, when the stockings did run, someone substituted a few letters and, voilà, "nylon".

Read entire article at BBC Radio 4 "Woman's Hour"