Roundup Top 10!
GOP flunks Bergdahl lesson: How it revealed total ignorance about prisoner swapsby Jonathan ZimmermanLet’s look at the history. |
What it was like to standup to DC warmongering in 2003 (Interview)by James Fallows"In my conscious lifetime, it was the most exultantly pro-war that I can recall." |
Iraq Is Vietnam 2.0 And U.S. Drones Won’t Solve The Problemby Leslie H. GelbThe problem is the Iraqi government. |
America’s History of Industrial Espionageby James SurowieckiAlexander Hamilton, in his 1791 “Report on Manufactures,” called on the country to reward those who brought us “improvements and secrets of extraordinary value” from elsewhere. |
Are Reparations Due to African-Americans? (NYT Roundtable)To address the terrible human and economic costs of slavery and racial injustice in the United States, many have proposed that reparations be paid to African-Americans. |
Korean War memorial is a historical photoshop horrorby Jesus DiazMost of these scenes are not from the Korean War. |
Native Americans need reparations even more than African Americans doby Daniel R. WildcatReparations have never figured prominently into American Indian calls for justice. Why? |
Jackie Robinson and Nixon: Life and Death of a Political Friendshipby Michael BeschlossIn 1960, Robinson endorsed Nixon for president, declaring that the civil rights commitment of Nixon’s Democratic rival, John F. Kennedy, was “insincere.” |
Political ignorance and the Founding Fathersby Ilya SominMadison ultimately concluded that increasing political knowledge was an important objective for making representative democracy work effectively. |
The case against reparationsby Stu Bykofsky"There is no rational way to diagram who gets how much from whom to satisfy an impossible debt." |